

Meer informatie
° CA07 Engels
Tags: CESPE Academy , Volledig aanbod


This course addresses the question of how we can keep pharmaceutical processes in optimal manufacturing conditions while ensuring versatility, resilience and quality of end product. Pharmaceutical control systems that are sustainable and balance the ecological footprint with ensuring access to high quality products and maintaining profitable supply chains. This question is part of the larger (international) challenge to ensure sustainable demand and production patterns, by improving environmental and societal sustainability and increasing the circularity in pharmaceutical production systems. This course is divided into two separate modules:

1) Module 1: Process Identification: (1/2-day)
2) Module 2: PID-based process control (1/2-day)


Link to program


Additional information

  • One week prior to the course, the registered participants will receive further information (directions, parking availabilities, course material).
  • Upon completion of the training, a certificate of attendance will be made available on the platform.
  • Additionally, the participant will receive an evaluation form to provide feedback on this training.


Registration is possible up to one week before the day of the respective session.
Registrations can only be canceled by email, up to one week before the day of the respective course. After that, the full registration fee will still be due in case of cancellation.
A participant unable to attend can always be replaced by a colleague or can request a voucher for a similar training on a later date!

A minimum attendance of 5 participants is required to conduct the training. Otherwise the organization reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the training!

Type opleiding:
Kort- en langlopende opleidingen
(Bio-)ingenieurswetenschappen, AI en Data Science, Bio-ingenieur, Farmacie
2023 - 2024, 2024 - 2025
Dana Copot
Clara-Mihaela Ionescu
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