Micro-credential Rehabilitation and prevention in the healthy ageing context

Start op 16.09.2024



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Engels Online beschikbaar
Tags: kinesitherapie, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, revalidatie, ouderen, geriatric, prevention


We cannot ignore it, life expectancy is rising. People are living longer, but not always with the desired quality of life. This brings additional challenges to our society. People who are getting older, may experience symptoms and obstacles to live the life they want to continue living. Thus, many older people come in contact with a physiotherapist.

The geriatric physiotherapist approaches the patient as a whole, rather than a composite of separate complaints. Attention is paid to physiological and cognitive decline, as well as to the patient’s functional abilities. The geriatric physiotherapist focuses on prevention of deterioration, preservation and optimisation of functional abilities. The aim is to keep the quality of life of the patient as high as possible for as long as possible. In this way, the geriatric physiotherapist has a major impact on the life of an ageing person and with that on the ageing population.

Goals and setup

Since 2019, the profession of physiotherapists within older adults’ care has been a bottleneck (see VDAB bottleneck job list), so there is a high need for well-trained geriatric physiotherapists. Through this micro-credential, we want to address this shortage. 

This micro-credential is organised in a flexible and interactive way, to optimize the combination of working and studying:

  • Blended learning: assignments offered online and asynchronously through modules on the VUB learning platform CANVAS (e.g. online reading assignments, webinars by international experts that can be followed at one's own rhythm) with linked assignments to be prepared individually
  • Online intervision sessions in small groups (max. 3-5) under the guidance of a lecturer (1x/2 weeks mandatory online attendance)
  • 1 week on-campus (Geriatric Rehab Week) in the Spring with focus on practical skills, offered by experts
  • English and Dutch is possible, depending on the language and size of the groups

Goals and setup

Since 2019, the profession of physiotherapists within older adults’ care has been a bottleneck (see VDAB bottleneck job list), so there is a high need for well-trained geriatric physiotherapists. Through this micro-credential, we want to address this shortage. 

This micro-credential is organised in a flexible and interactive way, to optimize the combination of working and studying:

  • Blended learning: assignments offered online and asynchronously through modules on the VUB learning platform CANVAS (e.g. online reading assignments, webinars by international experts that can be followed at one's own rhythm) with linked assignments to be prepared individually
  • Online intervision sessions in small groups (max. 3-5) under the guidance of a lecturer (1x/2 weeks mandatory online attendance)
  • 1 week on-campus (Geriatric Rehab Week) in the Spring with focus on practical skills, offered by experts
  • English and Dutch is possible, depending on the language and size of the groups

For who is this micro-credential?

This micro-credential is for people with one of the following physiotherapy degrees: 

  • Licentiates and Masters of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (or equivalent degrees within the field of physiotherapy) 
  • Professional bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (or equivalent degrees within the field of physiotherapy) 
  • Foreign diplomas at least equivalent to Bachelor of Science (minimum 210 ECTS) awarded by an officially recognized higher education institution within the field of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy.

Goals and setup

Since 2019, the profession of physiotherapists within older adults’ care has been a bottleneck (see VDAB bottleneck job list), so there is a high need for well-trained geriatric physiotherapists. Through this micro-credential, we want to address this shortage. 

This micro-credential is organised in a flexible and interactive way, to optimize the combination of working and studying:

  • Blended learning: assignments offered online and asynchronously through modules on the VUB learning platform CANVAS (e.g. online reading assignments, webinars by international experts that can be followed at one's own rhythm) with linked assignments to be prepared individually
  • Online intervision sessions in small groups (max. 3-5) under the guidance of a lecturer (1x/2 weeks mandatory online attendance)
  • 1 week on-campus (Geriatric Rehab Week) in the Spring with focus on practical skills, offered by experts
  • English and Dutch is possible, depending on the language and size of the groups

For who is this micro-credential?

This micro-credential is for people with one of the following physiotherapy degrees: 

  • Licentiates and Masters of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (or equivalent degrees within the field of physiotherapy) 
  • Professional bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (or equivalent degrees within the field of physiotherapy) 
  • Foreign diplomas at least equivalent to Bachelor of Science (minimum 210 ECTS) awarded by an officially recognized higher education institution within the field of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy.


Evidence-based prevention and rehabilitation in the healthy ageing context 2 (12 ECTS - all year)

This programma takes 1 year (two semesters)

The micro-credential consists of one course of 12 credits

Courses are organised on the VUB Health Campus located in Jette

Admission requirements

To start this micro-credential you need on of the following diploma's:
  • Licentiate or Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (or equivalent degrees within the field of physiotherapy) 
  • Professional Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (or equivalent degrees within the field of physiotherapy) 
  • Foreign diploma at least equivalent to a Bachelor of Science (minimum 210 ECTS) awarded by an officially recognized higher education institution within the field of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy
Maximum 20 participants

Enrolments will follow the 'first come, first serve' principal.

1 academic year

This course takes place during both 1st and 2nd semester.


One ECTS-credit equates to roughly 25 to 30 hours of study, from lessons to completing a project or studying independently.

Campus Jette

Courses are organised on the VUB Health Campus located in Jette.

Maximum 20 participants

Enrolments will follow the 'first come, first serve' principal.

Day or evening courses

You can take this micro-credential in day or evening courses.


What are micro-credentials?

Micro-credentials are small academic-level courses that focus on specific competencies. They often consist of one or a few courses, or parts of them, that are usually also taught in a university undergraduate or graduate programme. Usually the classes are taught for a few hours spread over one semester or one academic year. They are literally 'micro courses'.

If you pass the micro-credential, you receive a certificate as proof that you have acquired the competencies. So you also acquire real official credits. This is where micro-credentials differ from other continuing education courses, study days or lectures. The credits and competencies you obtain with a micro-credential are recognized in your further career, also internationally, and can for example lead to exemptions from continuing education at other institutions and organizations.

Micro-credentials are important for lifelong learning. After all, in our rapidly changing society, it is essential that everyone continues to work on renewing their own competencies. Obtaining a diploma is not the end of learning, but rather the beginning. Micro-credentials are blocks that you can stack and combine throughout your life and career to further direct your own pathway.

There are several advantages to taking micro-credentials. They are short courses and they are specific, teaching you only what you need to further your education or specialization. In addition, the certificate guarantees your acquired competencies and the credits are transferable and often recognized abroad. You can also endlessly combine and stack micro-credentials according to your needs and interests. They are a great asset on your CV.

Are classes compatible with work and personal life?

We put maximum effort into blended education, a combination of online classes and classes on campus. This way, students don't necessarily have to be on campus if they don't need to, but we also believe in the added value of physical teaching moments. Usually classes are taught for a few hours spread over one semester or one academic year. If there is mandatory attendance for a particular course, it will be clearly communicated in advance. You can always view the class schedules for the current academic year. In the class schedule you can find out whether a course is online, on-campus or via lecture recordings. If a course does not appear in the timetable, it can be followed via recordings. The best way to view the schedule is on a course-by-course basis. That way you can estimate whether it can be combined.

Documents needed

What documents do you need to follow this micro-credential? Find out here!


Check here when you can register for the next academic year at the latest.


All information about the cost of this micro-credential can be found here.

You can enrol to this micro-credential by way of permanent training

Contact our micro-credential coordinator

Any questions?


More info on the VUB website

Type opleiding:
Kort- en langlopende opleidingen, Micro-credentials
2024 - 2025
David Beckwée

VUB Health Campus Jette
Laarbeeklaan , 103
1090 Jette

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