Micro-crtedential Heritage: Monuments, Landscapes and Sustainability

Start op 10.01.2021

Architectuur en ontwerp


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° n/a Engels

Solid base for contemporary and future heritage management and policy. Specific Introduction to the domains of heritage.


In the 21st century the concept heritage / patrimoine / erfgoed is used to refer to evolutions in the world of museums, collectors, archives, libraries and popular culture. The broad heritage concept today includes all cultural heritage; movable and immovable heritage, intangible and digital heritage.
At the same time methods used in analysis, assurance and appreciation of our heritage evolved in a socially responsible and sustainable way.
This complex evolution makes an update and/or broadening of skills, attitudes and knowledge absolutely necessary for everybody working (or aiming to work) in the field of heritage.
The micro credentials focusing on different aspects of heritage offer a qualitative and relevant upgrading of talents to shape and tackle future challenges of the heritage sector.


In this Micro Credential the heritage domains of landscapes and built heritage are introduced, next to diverse aspects of sustainability of (mainly tangible) heritage and the international treaties and conventions in which they are anchored. International organisations that develop sustainable initiatives and how these are implemented in the sector today.

Type opleiding:
Kort- en langlopende opleidingen, Micro-credentials
Architectuur en ontwerp, Kunst en cultuur
2025 - 2026

UAntwerp Stadscampus

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