Biomedische wetenschappen


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° n/a Engels
Tags: laboratory animal science, project design, felasa, proefdierleider, knaagdieren, dierproeven

How to use rodents as laboratory animals in an optimal way in your research


  • This course teaches and trains you how to use rodents as laboratory animals in an optimal way in your research and how to perform this research in accordance with Belgian and European legislation.
  • This course builds on knowledge obtained in Laboratory Animal Science courses that cover the EU core modules.
  • After the successful completion of the course, a Function A (carrying out procedures on animals) and C (taking care of animals) (FELASA) certificate - Rodents is obtained.

The targeted participants for the course are professionals, researchers, PhD and post-graduate students from all fields of biomedical and veterinary sciences who are responsible for directing and/or carrying out animal experiments.


PhD students, researchers, professionals, and post-graduate students often need knowledge, insights, and skills in how to care for and perform procedures on rodents in an optimal way in their research projects or to be able to provide accurate consults to clients.

Working with laboratory animals is only possible when you have a valid certificate. Therefore this micro-credential gives an opportunity to obtain the correct competencies (related to EU Functions A and C) on rodents as laboratory animals.

Study load: 4 ECTS credits

Type opleiding:
Kort- en langlopende opleidingen, Micro-credentials
Biomedische wetenschappen, Diergeneeskunde
2023 - 2024
​Chris Van Ginneken

Debby Van Dam

UAntwerpen Campus Drie Eiken

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