

Meer informatie
° DLLL000137 Engels
Tags: Audiologische Wetenschappen , Beweging en Sport , Biomedische wetenschappen , Ergotherapeutische wetenschap , Geneeskunde , Management in de gezondheidszorg , Gezondheidsbevordering , Logopedische Wetenschappen , Revalidatiewetenschappen en kinesitherapie , Tandheelkunde en mondzorg , Verpleegkunde en vroedkunde , Lezingen en Studiedagen


Bridging the gap between physicians and technical experts.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in our society and also has more and more applications in the medical world. Throughout two dynamic and engaging days, we will highlight different viewpoints on AI in Healthcare together with the challenges and possible risks of AI applications in healthcare. As a decision-maker, medical or technology expert, you will be given the necessary tools to engage in dialogue and address common challenges in developing and implementing AI in the sector.

Each half-day session will feature three insightful talks, followed by a moderated debate. During these debates, we will integrate and discuss the three key aspects covered in the talks, providing a comprehensive understanding of AI's impact on healthcare.

The symposium programme is outlined below and might be subject to small alterations before the event. Attached above, you can find the full programme with a short abstract for each session. Content will be updated when available.


The symposium programme is outlined below and might be subject to small alterations before the event. Attached above, you can find the full programme with a short abstract for each session. Content will be updated when available.

Day 1 – June 4th: Setting the Scene: AI in Healthcare

08:30-09:00 Registration

Morning session: Advancing Healthcare: Technology and AI Innovations

The first half-day session will delve into the transformative role of technology in healthcare. We will explore cutting-edge advancements, including the integration of generative AI and the impact of wearables on healthcare. This session aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how these technologies are revolutionizing the healthcare landscape, enhancing both clinical practices and patient outcomes.

09:00 AI in the current medical technology landscape - Prof. Tom Braeckeleirs (UGent - Nexxtt.Health)

09:30 Prof. dr. Kirsten Colpaert (UZ Gent - UGent)

10:00 AI-enabled health monitoring outside the hospital - Prof. dr. Maarten De Vos (KU Leuven)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00 Moderated discussion

12:00-13:30 Lunch break + Poster session

Afternoon session: Human Interaction in Healthcare: The Role of AI

The second half-day session will focus on the human aspects of healthcare, particularly the interaction between patients and healthcare providers. We will discuss the critical issue of managing personal data for AI applications. This session aims to focus on the aspects of the human-centered challenges and opportunities presented by AI in healthcare.

13:30 Why we should (not) worry about generative AI: personal experience and philosophical reflections on responsibilities, intelligence, and bullshit - Prof. dr. Seppe Segers (UGent)

14:00 Prof. dr. Yves Moreau (KU Leuven)

14:30 Navigating between assistance and automation: Perspectives on AI’s reshaping of relationships between healthcare providers - Prof. dr. Sigrid Sterckx (UGent)

15:00-15:30 Coffee break

15:30 Moderated debate

16:30 End of session

Day 2 – June 18th: AI in Healthcare: From Data Management to Legal Compliance

08:30-09:00 Registration

Morning session: Foundations of AI: Data, Evaluation, and Validation

This session will focus on the foundational elements necessary for implementing AI in healthcare. We will explore the importance of data and evaluation, starting with the concept of Explainable AI, which ensures transparency and trust in AI systems. The session will also cover the critical role of clinical validation, highlighting the need for rigorous testing and validation of AI applications in real-world healthcare settings. Additionally, we will discuss the effective use of data, emphasizing best practices for data management and utilization in AI projects.

09:00 Enabling trustworthy decision making in healthcare - Prof. dr. ir. Sofie Van Hoecke (UGent)

09:30 Prof. dr. Peter De Jaeger (UHasselt)

10:00 AI for Causal Learning: A Smooth Path to Evidence or Evidence on Thin Ice? - Prof. dr. Stijn Vansteelandt (UGent)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00 Moderated discussion

12:00-13:30 Lunch break + Poster session

Afternoon session: Integrating AI: Data, Devices, and Legal Considerations

During this session we will address the intersection of AI-technology and human factors in healthcare. This session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the technical and legal considerations essential for the successful integration of AI in healthcare.

13:30 Metamedica (UGent)

14:00 Metamedica (UGent)

14:30 Metamedica (UGent)

15:00-15:30: Coffee break

15:30 Moderated debate

16:30 End of session


Poster sessions: Are you a researcher who wants to attend and present a poster? Only one poster allowed per researcher. Please submit your poster here. Next, choose the exception fee of "researcher poster submission" when registering for the day that you want to present your poster. If you also attend the other day, then you have to enroll and pay standard fee (€300 ).

Registration is possible for each individual day or both days combined.

Accreditation for doctors is applied for.

The spoken language during this seminar will be English.

Type opleiding:
Lezingen en studiedagen
AI en Data Science, Biomedische wetenschappen, Geneeskunde, Gezondheidswetenschappen, Kinesitherapie, Tandheelkunde, Verpleegkunde
2024 - 2025

De Krook

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