Micro-credential Qualitative data analysis

Starts on 23.09.2024

Social Sciences


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Tags: Qualitative, data analysis, Nvivo, research method, development

The micro-credential ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’ introduces students into the basic principles of qualitative data analysis, and allows students to practice with software in coding, analysing and interpretation of the findings as well as reflecting on their validity and reliability..


This micro credential introduces students into the basics of Qualitative Data Analysis. More specifically, the course starts by reviewing the basic principles of qualitative research and evaluating what this implies for the analysis and interpretation of qualitative data.

Starting from a five-step process to move from qualitative data collection to analysis and interpretation, this course focusses in depth on step 3 , 4 and 5 namely, ‘breaking up the data’ , ‘bringing the pieces together’ and ‘building the big picture’. This last step involves the interpretation of the data, which links to the theoretical framework of the research and raises questions about validity and generalizability.

After the more conceptual part of the course, the second part focuses on explaining the principles behind, as well as specific features of the NVivo software for qualitative data analysis. Students have the time to practice with individual NVivo exercises and afterwards will discuss interpretation of the results and their validity in group discussion.

Target Group

Master/ Bachelor students in Social Sciences ( Development Studies, Political Science, economics, international relations, Law …) with a specific interest in qualitative data analysis
- Development Practitioners and activists (NGOS, international institutions, civil society organizations)
- Consultants active in development cooperation fields
- Government officials and policy makers active in development cooperation field
- IOB Alumni who would like to update/ extend their knowledge on qualitative data analysis


The micro credential ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’ consist of eight sessions in which both the theory and concepts as well as practice sessions on Nvivo are organised.

  • Sessions I : In the first session we review the basic principles of qualitative research and evaluate what this implies for the analysis and interpretation of qualitative data. Next, a five-step process will be introduced to move from qualitative data collection to analysis and interpretation. We focus on step 3 and 4 of the five-step process, ‘breaking up the data’ and ‘bringing the pieces together’.
  • Sessions II: In the second session we probe into step 5 of the five-step process: ‘building the big picture’. This step involves the interpretation of the data, which links to the theoretical framework of the research and raises questions about validity and generalizability.
  • Sessions III – IV: In session three and four the lecturer will explain the principles behind, as well as specific features of the NVivo software for qualitative data analysis. Students have the time to practice.
  • Session V: In session five we will discuss more in depth what kinds of research questions NVivo can help you address. This will be illustrated with some examples.
  • Session VI- VIII: Sessions six to eight will include individual NVivo exercises (the first not graded; the second graded) and group discussion, focusing on interpretation and validity.

Upon successful completion of the micro credential Qualitative Data Analysis 3 ECTS are accredited.

Course number:
Short- and long-term programmes, Micro-credentials
Area of interest:
Social Sciences
Academic year:
2024 - 2025
Starting date:
Prof. Dr. Sara Geenen

UAntwerp Stadscampus

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