Economics, Business and (Public) Management


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° FCPUMA_Microcredential_PubliekManagement NL
Tags: Volledig aanbod , Micro-credentials , Micro-credentials in Bestuurskunde en Publiek Management


Public organizations play a crucial role in our daily lives, and when these do not perform adequately there are severe societal consequences. Public management focuses on the practice of managing macro-, meso- and micro-level activities that enable or constrain public organizations to achieve their core purpose and create public value. During this course students learn more about their own capacity as a future public manager, about essential definitions, models and concepts in public management, and about how public management helps public organizations perform better through cases and practical examples. The course also introduces students to the fascinating research field of public management.

This course is taught in English.


Macro-level activities: public management reform, public sector performance, competing values and goals.

Meso-level activities: public organizations and their environment, strategic management, performance management, network management and governance.

Micro-level activities: street-level bureaucrats, politicians, citizens

Cases per chapter.


1) Acquiring basic knowledge concerning public service performance and public values.

2) Understanding how management tools can be applied in (semi-)public organizations and which public values as well as theories play a part in this.

3) Recognizing and explaining the importance of public management in the 21st century.

4) Analyzing one's own performance on a management simulation and formulating improvements.

5) Applying management tools in a specific (semi-)public context taking into account the specificity of said context.


This micro-credential follows the same path as the regular programs.

  • Study time: 150u

The lectures are recorded and can be can be viewed at one's own pace.


You can find all the course specifications and the course schedule here. FAQ about micro-credentials are answered here (in Dutch).

You can register until 28/2/2025 for this micro-credential trough the following link. At the top of this page you can download a guide that takes you step by step trough the registration process.

For further question you can contact

Course number:
Short- and long-term programmes, Micro-credentials
Area of interest:
Economics, Business and (Public) Management
Academic year:
2023 - 2024, 2024 - 2025
Starting date:
Ben Suykens
Contact person:
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