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Science communication is the key to connecting science and society. It aims to make complex ideas accessible and understandable for everyone, young and old. UAntwerp has a long-standing tradition in this area, including science cafes, STEM academies, events like Science Day and Robocup Junior and – last but not least – the countless initiatives to support our own researchers in this respect.

In addition to the steps taken by higher education institutions, there are of course also science communicators who have paved their own way. Prime examples include Hetty Helsmoortel and Lieven Scheire.

What has driven them to get into and stay in this field? Which achievements have given them the most satisfaction? What stumbling blocks did they encounter? They’ll gladly enlighten you in their masterclass. Equally important to discuss on this stage are: their insights into how to effectively communicate complex science, their experiences with successful events and their expertise with the Flemish media.

Perhaps you also have questions about the importance of podcasts, reaching diverse target groups, appealing to the general public or dealing with journalists? Get inspired by this masterclass.


  • 12:00 a.m. : Welcome by Prof. Herwig Leirs, rector of the University of Antwerp
  • 12:05 a.m. : Masterclass: ‘Science difficult? Not for everyone!’ by Hetty Helsmoortel and Lieven Scheire - Moderator: Hilde Devolghel
  • 12:55 a.m.: Closing words by Rector Herwig Leirs, nominator


  • You can follow the masterclass of Hetty Helsmoortel and Lieven Scheire in-person or online. A few days before the event, you will receive all the information needed to follow this event in-person or online.
  • The event will be held in English.

Course number:
Lectures and study days
Area of interest:
Education and Pedagogy, Social Sciences, Sciences
Academic year:
2024 - 2025
Starting date:
Hetty Helsmoortel and Lieven Scheire

University of Antwerp - Stadscampus Building S.K – Aula S.K.001 Kleine Kauwenberg 14 2000 Antwerp

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